Nature Sounds
Relaxing magic of a spring thunderstorm recorded in the woods

Nature sounds at Spivaki records
Country: Ukraine
Genre: Soundscapes
It is no secret that regular listening to records with sounds of pristine nature contributes to relaxation and stress reduction in a vast number of people. Such a tangible impact of organic soundscapes on human nature has been proven by multiple studies but it dates back to non-urbanized times when communities lived in closer contact with nature.
Of all the variety of mesmerizing soundscapes, it is worth highlighting thunderstorms as the boldest manifestation of natural forces that could have a trance-like effect on the listener, both calming and exhilarating. Curiously, classical composers of different eras have intensively imitated natural storms in their works as shown in our article on 8 orchestral pieces depicting thunderstorms.
This soundscape of the real spring thunderstorm is unique in its multi-layered structure where the sounds of wind, rain, crickets, songbirds (including nightingales) appear at different levels of volume and reverberation against the background of a gradually receding storm.
The thunderstorm recording was made at the end of May 2021 at Spivaki records residential recording studio located in a mixed forest and produced on tube equipment. The fact determines the unprecedented recording quality in comparison to other soundscapes captured mainly with mobile devices that cannot provide the necessary depth and clarity of the nature sounds.
Listen to Spring thunderstorm, wind, rain, birds, crickets recorded at sunset in the woods:

We also offer our extensive collection of nature sounds containing chirping crickets and grasshoppers, buzzing bees, blowing wind, raging spring and summer thunderstorms, singing nightingales, blackbirds, golden orioles, and many other songbirds.
You can freely use these soundscapes for sleep, relaxation, meditation, yoga, as well as background for monotonous home and professional activities. We strongly recommend downloading our HQ nature recordings before listening to avoid YouTube compression known for critically reducing the depth, perception, and transparency of soundscapes.