BTS is a South Korean boy band formed in 2010 consisting of seven members Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook. Originally a hip-hop group, their musical style has evolved to incorporate a wide range of genres while their lyrics have focused on subjects including mental health, the journey towards self-love, and individualism. BTS has crossed into the global music market and led the Korean Wave into the United States becoming the first Korean ensemble to receive a Gold certification from the Recording Industry Association of America. They have also become the first non-English-speaking and Asian act to sell out concerts at Wembley Stadium and the Rose Bowl. They have won multiple awards, including multiple American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, and Golden Disc Awards. BTS has also addressed three sessions of the United Nations General Assembly and partnered with UNICEF in 2017 to establish the Love Myself anti-violence campaign.